Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Best Things In Life

The best things in life come from Our Heavenly Father, that's a given right!? Well we all know the BIG things He has done for us such as sending His only begotten son to atone for our sins and die for us so that we may return to live with them again. Now lets move onto the smaller things: The food we eat! He has given us the creative minds that we all have to make spectacular food! Some of my favorites has to be Italian...pastas, pizza, gnocchi, and anything with pesto and olive oil!  Okay food, check!  Well how bout our personalities, some are goofy while others are more serious and sometimes you'll get the laid back type.  Personalities make the world a little bit more interesting each and every day.  Alright food and personalities check aaannnddddd check. Lets name some other things that we may all call the best things in life.  How bout when we had a really busy yet satisfying day and we come home to our wonderful bed, I know that is one of my favorite things that I hold precious while being on a mission is the sleep I get at night!  

Another way I can get a great feeling of peace and relaxation not only from my bed but also from the beach.  So in other words I could be homeless and live at the beach and be COMPLETELY happy!  
Last but not least another to be added in the best things in life category has got to be my family and friends.  My family is the goofiest of them all, we have the best time telling inside jokes and telling eachother movie quotes during dinner at night and sometimes we even try our best to pull an all nighter while having a Harry Potter marathon, amazing!

As for my friends we could absolutely have nothing to do and seem to find the most random things out there, whether its going to san francisco at 3am and wait till the sun comes up and drive home or even something small like having a bon fire at one of my best friends house while reminiscing!  

We all have our own personal items that should be listed under the best things in life which we should hold dear.  God is truly a loving father for He alone knew from the beginning what things would best suite us while we take on the challenges of life.  Life consists of times full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to have God by your side which luckily, I do and so do you.  Isn't life grand?      


  1. Braden! You're so cool. I just love you.

  2. I agree with Brooke. You're cool and I love you too! You like Gnocchi and pesto now??? Hooray-I love those things too-dinner date with mom when you come home for some Gnocchi. I love how Heavenly Father has blessed us with countless reasons to be happy and Thankful.
