Friday, April 27, 2012

The Role of a Prophet

Brothers and Sisters its great to write another blog especially on the subject of Prophets.  Many have wondered at a time in there lives what a prophet is which is natural.  We all have questions that come up during our lives that may help us out in the long run!  Already then, lets open up door number one to see what we'll talk about today (trumpets sounding)...."What is a Prophet?  Do we have one in these times?  Well lets jump back about a few thousand years when some of the famous prophets were on the earth such as Moses, Abraham, and Noah.  Each one of them had there own mission that Our Heavenly Father wanted them to complete.  When Noah was upon the earth he was a righteous man who walked in the ways of God.  At the time he was commanded of God to tell the people "repent, repent, or the earth shall be flooded!"  Many of the people mocked him and and persecuted him but he still did as God wanted him to do.  After many times doing this, God knew the people were wicked so he warned Noah to build an ark and commanded that two of every living creature to come upon the ark as well as some of the followers.  After that most of us know what happened, God flooded the earth.  So back to the question, what is a prophet?  A prophet is a man who has been called of God to speak for Him and be his messenger.  A prophet receives the Lords word for mankind including revelations, prophecies, and commandments.  

We are so blessed in these times to have a prophet on the earth.  I know President Monson as well as all of the previous prophets are all true.  I know they have been called of God to help us get through tough days, challenging tasks and trials that we face as well as to share what God wants of us at certain times.  So tonight I promise that as you pray to know whether or not what I have talked about is true and that President Monson is a true prophet of God in these last days you will feel the Holy Spirit come upon you with such a warm feeling!